Lecture Notes
Semester 1
Classical Mechanics
Lecture 14: Equilibrium and Elasticity

Lecture 14: Equilibrium and Elasticity

Course Outline

  • Center of Gravity
  • Equilibrium and Stability
  • Elasticity - Hooke's Law

For a rigid body to be in equilibrium, two conditions must be satisfied:

  1. The vector sum of all forces acting on the body must be zero. Fd=0\sum \vec{F_d} = 0

  2. The vector sum of all torques acting on the body about any axis must be zero. τ=0\sum \vec{\tau} = 0

Center of Gravity

Average location of the weight of an object. Same as the center of mass for a uniform gravitational field.

rcm=m1r1+m2r2++mnrnm1+m2++mn=mirimi\begin{equation} \vec{r}_{cm} = \frac{m_1\vec{r}_1 + m_2\vec{r}_2 + \cdots + m_n\vec{r}_n}{m_1 + m_2 + \cdots + m_n} = \frac{\sum m_i\vec{r}_i}{\sum m_i} \end{equation}


A uniform plank of length L=6.0mL = 6.0\text{m} and mass M=90kgM = 90\text{kg} is supported by two sawhorses separated by D=1.5mD = 1.5\text{m} and equidistant from the center of the plank

A person wants to stand on the right-hand end of the plank. If the plank is to remain in equilibrium, what is the maximum mass of the person?


Hint: The person's weight acts at the center of gravity of the person-plank system.


The center of gravity equation gives us:

xcg=M(0)+m(L2)M+m=mM+mL2x_{cg} = \frac{M(0) + m\left(\frac{L}{2}\right)}{M + m} = \frac{m}{M + m}\frac{L}{2}

we set xcg=xSx_{cg} = x_S and solve for mm:

mM+mL2=D2mL=(M+m)Dm=MDLD=90kg×1.5m6.0m1.5m=30 kg\begin{align*} \frac{m}{M + m}\frac{L}{2} &= \frac{D}{2}\\ mL &= (M + m)D\\ m &= \frac{MD}{L - D} = \frac{90\text{kg}\times 1.5\text{m}}{6.0\text{m} - 1.5\text{m}} = 30\text{ kg} \end{align*}


Spring Elasticity

  • A force \rightarrow equilibrium == restoring force
  • Object that exert a restoring force are elastic
  • Hooke's Law: F=kxF = -kx \rightarrow displaced by xx from equilibrium (linear slope)
  • kk is the spring constant (or force constant) \rightarrow stiffness of the spring.
  • Minus sign indicates that the force is opposite to the displacement \rightarrow restoring force


A spring is attached to a 2.0 kg2.0 \text{ kg} block. The other end of the spring is pulled by a motorized toy train that moves forward at 5.0cm/s5.0 \text{cm/s}.

The spring constant is 50 N/m50 \text{ N/m} and the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0.600.60.

The spring is at equilibrium length at t=0 st = 0 \text{ s}. How far does the spring stretch before the block starts to move? And what the time it takes for the block to start moving?


The force of the spring when the toy moves as far as xx:

Fs=kxF_s = kx

When the block almost moves, this spring force is same as the static friction between the block and the floor: (Fs=Ff)(F_s = F_f)

Ff=Fs=μsFN=μsmgkx=μsmgx=μsmgk=(0.60)(2.0 kg)(9.8 m/s2)50 N/m=0.235 m\begin{align*} F_f = F_s = \mu_s F_N &= \mu_s mg\\ kx &= \mu_s mg\\ x &= \frac{\mu_s mg}{k} = \frac{(0.60)(2.0\text{ kg})(9.8\text{ m/s}^2)}{50\text{ N/m}} = 0.235\text{ m} \end{align*}

Then to calculate the time it takes for the block to start moving, we use the equation of motion:

t=xv=0.235 m0.050 m/s=4.7 st = \frac{x}{v} = \frac{0.235\text{ m}}{0.050\text{ m/s}} = 4.7\text{ s}

Work Done by a Spring

  • Work done by a spring is the area under the force-displacement curve.
W=FdsW=sisfk(sseq)2dsW=12k(sf2si2)sisfW=12kΔsi212kΔsf2\begin{align} W &= \int F ds\nonumber\\ W &= -\int_{s_i}^{s_f} k(s-s_{eq})^2 ds\nonumber\\ W &= -\frac{1}{2}k(s_f^2 - s_i^2) \Big\rvert_{s_i}^{s_f}\nonumber\\ W &= \frac{1}{2}k\Delta s_{i}^2 - \frac{1}{2}k\Delta s^2_{f} \end{align}


A block with mass mm is pushed to a spring until a displacement of Δx\Delta x then released. What is the speed of the block when it passes through the equilibrium position?


Using conservation of energy:

12kΔx2spring+0=0+12mv2kineticv=kmΔx\begin{align} \underbrace{\frac{1}{2}k\Delta x^2}_{\text{spring}} + 0 &= 0 + \underbrace{\frac{1}{2}mv^2}_{\text{kinetic}}\nonumber\\ v &= \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}\Delta x \end{align}

What if the mass is hanging from the spring at equilibrium yy and spring constant kk?

using equation above we can use static equilibrium formula:

Fs=Fg=kΔy=mgk=mgΔy\begin{align} F_s = F_g &= k\Delta y = mg\nonumber\\ k &= \frac{mg}{\Delta y} \end{align}

Elasticity is not the sole property of a spring!

Medium Elasticity

  • Any solid will be deformed by a force
  • The graph of force vs. displacement is not linear
    • Elastic limit: the point beyond which the material is permanently deformed
    • As long as the strech is less than the elastic limit, the material will return to its original shape when the force is removed.
  • A strech beyond the elastic limit is called plastic deformation and it is permanent.
  • For most materials, the force is proportional to the displacement up to the elastic limit.
F=kΔL\begin{equation} F = k\Delta L \end{equation}

Tensile Stress and Young Modulus

  • The elasticity is directly related to the spring constant.
  • The force pulling each bond is related to the strech:
FA=kΔLA=YΔLLY=tensile stresstensile strain\begin{equation} \frac{F}{A} = \frac{k\Delta L}{A} = \frac{Y\Delta L}{L} \rightarrow Y = \frac{\text{tensile stress}}{\text{tensile strain}} \end{equation}

Volume Stress and Bulk Modulus

  • The force per unit area F/AF/A is applied to all surfaces.
  • The volume strain is defined as the change in volume divided by the original volume: ΔV/V\Delta V/V
  • The bulk modulus is defined as the ratio of the volume stress to the volume strain:
B=F/AΔV/V\begin{equation} B = \frac{F/A}{\Delta V/V} \end{equation}

Shear Stress

  • The shear strain is defined as the change in angle θ\theta divided by the original angle: Δθ\Delta \theta
S=F/Ax/hS = \frac{F_{||}/A}{x/h}


A 2.0 m2.0 \text{ m} long, 1.0 mm1.0 \text{ mm} diameter steel wire is suspended from the ceiling. Hanging a 4.5 kg4.5 \text{ kg} mass from the wire causes it to stretch by 1.0 mm1.0 \text{ mm}.

What is the Young's modulus of the wire? Can you identify the material?


The force pulling on the wire is the weight of the mass:

FA=mgA=(4.5 kg)(9.8 m/s2)π(0.0005 m)2=5.6×107 N/m2\frac{F}{A} = \frac{mg}{A} = \frac{(4.5\text{ kg})(9.8\text{ m/s}^2)}{\pi(0.0005\text{ m})^2} = 5.6\times 10^7\text{ N/m}^2

The resulting strech of 1.0 mm1.0 \text{ mm} is the change in length divided by the original length:

Y=F/AΔL/L=5.6×107 N/m2(1.0×103 m)/(2.0 m)=11×1010 N/m2Y = \frac{F/A}{\Delta L/L} = \frac{5.6\times 10^7\text{ N/m}^2}{(1.0\times 10^{-3}\text{ m})/(2.0\text{ m})} = 11\times 10^{10}\text{ N/m}^2

This is the Young's modulus of the medium \rightarrow the wire is made of copper.