Lecture Notes
Semester 2
Complex Variable Analysis

Complex Variable Analysis Midterm Exam

  1. [4 Points] Define f(z)f(z) in the forms f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y)f(z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) under Cartesian coordinates!

    1. f(z)=z3zf(z) = z^3 - z
    2. f(z)=1izf(z) = \displaystyle\frac{1}{i - z}
    3. f(z)=ez2f(z) = \overline{e^{z^2}}
  2. [9 Points] Find the two roots of complex number ckc_k of z0z_0 where k={0,1}k=\{0, 1\} with complex number (443i)1/2(-4 - 4\sqrt{3}i)^{1/2} and plot into a graph! Define clearly r0n,Argz0,z0\sqrt[n]{r_0}, \operatorname{Arg}z_0, z_0 in polar form!